Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ahh... RESULTS!!!

So how am I feeling now, after 6 more days of Shakeology servings have been gulped down?  
  Pretty stinkin’ fabulous.  

I saw some immediate changes when I started drinking Shakeology (increased consistent energy level and extreme reduction in my cravings for sweets!).  And there was one other change that HONESTLY happened last week (I noticed around day 4) but was too nervous to blog about it because I figured it was just a fluke.  I’m still a little nervous to post this, BUT I said I would be nothing but honest about my experience with Shakeology.  

My scale is telling me I’ve been down 3 pounds, consistently, since when I weighed in for my Shakeology challenge.  It’s varied anywhere from 3-6 pounds down, but I’ve been at 120.8 lb. the MOST often (weighed in at 124).  

After a Kickass Turbokick Workout
(and my dog looks creepy! haha!)
 This is a big deal to me.  I have pretty much always weighed right around 125.  I think the most I’ve weighed in my adult life is 135?  And the least (post-workout, dehydrated, haha) is around 118.  So for me to have lost (AND MAINTAINED FOR OVER A WEEK) 3 pounds… IS a big deal.  After I had my body composition (% body fat) measured last week, I straight up told you guys that I was NOT expecting to see results such as weight loss by using Shakeology.  

I’m confident that part of the reason for this weight loss is the fact that haven't been craving (and therefore demolishing) sweets.  I’m pretty sure that because I haven’t been eating much of them (thanks to Shakeology for eliminating those cravings), my total average calories / day has gone down.  I have been to Huddles twice in the last week though… :)  So it’s not that I’m cutting them out completely!  I still gotta have my fix… and when friends mention Huddles, they KNOW it doesn’t take much convincing for me to be their partner-in-crime for some fro-yo.  Just being honest… 

Another super-awesome perk to Shakeology is that I’m STILL loving the taste and craving it now everyday!  What an awesome feeling to have a craving for something so darn HEALTHY.  Hecky yeah!  I’ve been making it with milk, yogurt, bananas, peanut butter, frozen berries, or just plain water.  It’s been awesome.  

YUMMY!  Excited to drink my Shakeology! 
Sooooo… for my Day 10 review… I’m still pro-Shakeology… and I’m becoming more and more of a believer every day!  

I don’t expect anyone to say, “I wanna try this stuff NOW!,” just from my 10 days of blogging.  But, when and if you do, talk to me about it.  Let me help you if you have any questions!  J And when you get to the stage of wanting to order, (because I think ya’ll will!!) visit and I’ll be your official Beachbody Coach!  SWEET!

Always your F-A-N,

Friday, May 25, 2012

Crucial Changes Noticed...

Some interesting thoughts to report on today...
Read on :)  

I really have been energized this week. Noticeably more so than usual.  I can always bring the energy out that I need when I need it, but I’ve just felt really GOOD.  Consistent energy.  I haven’t had tired bouts in the afternoon, I’ve been sleeping well at night, I haven’t been dragging ass at the gym (except for this morning a little, but I’ll get to that).  

Yesterday (May 24th), I had my chocolate Shakeology for dindin.  I did a light workout in the AM – 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by about 25 minutes of strength training – and I went to Eagle Creek Park and did some fabulous trail running in the evening with a couple of my faves, Brian & Adam.  I ended up mixing the chocolate shakeology with milk and frozen raspberries and having a big salad (same ingredients as on Tuesday night – using up my fresh veggies!) post-running.  Man was it D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!  

Before I talk about today… I want to mention something crucial that I have noticed since I started shakeology – a serious reduction in my cravings to eat sweets.  This is really important, because those of you who know me… know I have an insane sweets addiction!  That is my downfall – not fast food, not potato chips… but sweets.  It doesn’t matter what – gummy candy of any kind, raisinettes, ice cream (light versions only), M&Ms, homemade rice krispy treats, etc.  And I’m not one to limit my portions in this area.  I can’t have just ONE piece and be fine.  I’ll buy it, and it’ll be gone within days (if not hours!).  I have gone through bouts in the past where I make a point to STOP these cravings… I know that if I stop for days, the cravings are supposed to go away.  Well, that hasn’t happened for this girl.  I’ll still crave them.  

So… this brings me to shakeology and this unexpected change I’ve had.  This week I honestly haven’t given an ounce of thought to sweets.  I haven’t craved them at all.  And, even though this is TMI, this is the “time of the month” for me… which makes this fact even MORE important.  I don’t know if it’s because shakeology tastes AMAZING and “satisifies” my cravings without even knowing it, or if my body is getting all of the nutrition it needs, which leads to reduction in cravings.  I believe it’s both – but especially the latter.  This is 100% fact that if you’re missing certain nutrients in your diet, you crave certain foods.  For me, my cravings for sweets are most likely VERY linked to my deficiency in nutrients such as phosphorous and chromium.  And whadayaknow?  But shakeology has 25% and 50% of the recommended %DV in each serving for these nutrients, respectively.  That’s enough to make a huge difference.  Chromium is naturally found in foods such as chicken, grapes, dried beans and broccoli.  The only one I get more than once a week out of all of those?  Broccoli.  If someone’s cooking my chicken for me, I’ll eat it… but I hate touching raw meat.  Phosphorous is naturally found in chicken, beef, liver, fish, dairy, nuts, legumes and eggs.  I absolutely get eggs every day.  Nuts most of the time (whether it be almonds or peanut butter).  Dairy I’m also pretty good with.  BUT, then you have to think about the availability and ABSORBENCY that these foods are to your body.  So many of these nutrients are lost with age, cooking, and digestion.  So, adding a supplement that is giving you these nutrients from REAL sources, and not chemically-altered sources, could make all the difference.  Just thinkin… 

On to today (Friday), shakeology is on the agenda for consumption this afternoon.  It’s greenberry day (I decided to rotate them since I can’t pick a favorite)!  I don’t need to wait until after I drink it to tell you how awesomely tasty it is… I think I’ve already done enough of thatJ  But I did want to touch on my tired workout this morning.  I jumped on the stepmill around 7:00a this morning, and my legs INSTANTLY felt shot.  I stuck it out for 30 minutes, sweating my patootie off, and thinking about why.  I have two answers – my lack of carbohydrates for dinner last night (usually I include some sort of grain if I know I have a morning workout… ESPECIALLY since I ran last night), and the fact that I lifted legs (and ran hills) yesterday – both contributes to why my legs just wanted to rest.  So, my energy was there, but my leggys were tired.  

If I don’t post again until after the weekend, remember I am STICKING to my shakeology even over the holiday weekend.  I’ll continue to be honest and give you a real reflection on how I’m feeling.  

So I'll leave you with this thought... because we all want a better tomorrow... right?  

Thank you for reading :)  You guys totally ROCK!!!

Your fan (always),

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Don't You Wanna Know...?!

What's up, SHAKEOLOGY?? 

So how is this gonna go? 
We will see... here's how the first 2 days have gone thus far! 

So nice... it even arrived on time!

Mmm Chocolate + Greenberry
May 22 (Day 1): 

It arrived the day it was supposed to arrive... so first of all, YAY!  Since I received it later in the day, I decided to have the Chocolate Shakeology as a part of my dinner.  I mixed it with skim milk, a tablespoon of Naturally More peanut butter, cinnamon and vanilla.  YUM YUM YUM!!!  I paired it with a huge salad (with avocado, cucumber, light Jarlsburg cheese and light balsamic vinaigrette).  It was a delicious dinner and post-workout recovery meal (I did 30 minutes of strength training and 1 hour of TurboKick prior).  My only review for today is that it was honestly the best tasting drink I have EVER had.  It was flippin’ delicious.  And I know it’s also delicious plain (mixed JUST with water) from when I tried it last week (so it’s not just because it was mixed with other yummy mix-ins).  It’s just day 1.  And I had it at the end of the day.  Measurements tomorrow.  Can’t wait to see where I am now from a year ago…
My Day 1 Shakeology Shake :)
May 23 (Day 2): 

I had my % body fat taken this afternoon by my former coworker and amazing friend, April, using skinfold calipers.  She has measured me SEVERAL times and is a really good, accurate pincher:) I weighed-in on my scale at home (which is the one I use consistently).  
It actually made more than what's in
this glass! I got to go back for a little refill:)

Weight: 124 lb
Body fat: 12.67% 

For starters, the last time I had my body composition measured was exactly 1 year ago (14.46%), and I am at the lowest % body fat right now that I have ever been (based upon the years of measurements I have recorded, taken a couple times a year).  So now that I know that… I’m not expecting to use Shakeology as a weight loss aid or to reduce my fat mass.  If it happens naturally then that’s another story…….
I drank the Greenberry Shakeology today and O.M.G.  Can you say delicious?  Now – say it REALLY LOUD!  I was really weirded out by the thought of that flavor, but it was honestly awesome.   

I taught TurboKick at noon, had a snack after, then headed home and mixed the Greenberry with a cup of skim milk, 1 cup of frozen raspberries, and a little water.  Blended.  Drank it up (or breathed it down, really). 

All gone!
So... if you’re grossed out by BM (eh hum, or bowel movements), then here is your warning to quit reading :) 
I woke up this morning and had a really awesome BM!  That’s not exactly uncommon for me, but it was before my coffee and everything… and I’m wondering… maybe it was the Shakeology from my dinner last night kicking in…maybe?  There are pre- and probiotics in the ingredients!  Every girl (and boy!) enjoys a good poo!! :) :) :)

As far as how I felt today, now having 2 days worth (and 2 servings) of Shakeology in my system, I feel wonderful.  But, it’s too soon to make any crazy statements here about how it makes me feel.  

That’s all for now, folks!  Cheers to seeing how great this stuff is (because it’s the most delicious stuff I’ve ever tasted). 

Your fan,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Personal Shakeology Challenge

Today marks the day my big shipment of Shakeology is supposed to arrive. 


This post will be short, but I am challenging myself and wanted to share with you guys so you can experience it with me.  As I discussed last week, I am excited to believe in the possibilities offered in the wholesomeness and super-nutritional Shakeology.  I'm impressed by the people close to be that believe in it.  But I still have my skepticisms.  Which is why I'm having my own personal Shakeology challenge to see what it does for me.  And I will be sharing my thoughts and results along the way.  

I am having my skinfold measurements taken tomorrow to determine my current % body fat (I haven't had this done in about a year, so I'm not sure where I am now).  I will weigh-in to see my starting weight.  I will be paying close attention to my energy level throughout the day as well as in my workouts.  I am NOT planning on changing the rest of my diet.  I want to make one change - adding Shakeology - and continue eating the foods I normally eat, drink the water I normally drink, and workout the way I normally workout (average of 5-6 days/week). 

I'm not using this as a weight loss aid, but I am having my measurements taken because I am curious to see what will happen when I put some CRAZY-AWESOME NUTRITION into my body.  

Proper nutrition = Properly functioning metabolism 

Gotta have a start line to see what the finish actually looks like.  Follow me on my journey.  I'll be updating regularly.  ALWAYS feel free to reach out to me by email or Facebook message with personal questions - I love hearing 'em and love helping even more.  

((More information on Shakeology... click here >>>

Have a fab Tuesday :) 

Your F-A-N, 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Beachbody, TurboKick, Boot Camp...AWESOME Updates!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!  (woohoo!)

I absolutely thrive on being busy.  I know many of you are the same way.  There is something fulfilling, motivating, and totally satisfying when you’re booked from the moment you wake up until you go to bed.  I digress and admit some days I wonder why I create such a busy life for myself, but honestly it’s because I thoroughly enjoy it :) 
With that said, a lot has been going on recently!  My day job has been keeping me increasingly busy.  Boot Camp is in full swing.  Training (myself and others) has been steady and enjoyable.  I began instructing TurboKick again (about time!!!).  I just became an Independent Team Beachbody Coach (I’ll expand on that in a few) and my personal life (family, friends, dogs, housework) demands my attention as well. 

First – my boot campers have been AWESOMELY BADASS through the first half of the May session!  Day 1 blessed us with the hottest day of the year – a great way to kick off being truly hardcore.  Everyone has not only been consistently attending classes (the key to making changes and being successful!), but spreading the word to family and friends, and asking about what the schedule will be as we move into June.  I CANNOT BEGIN TO THANK YOU GUYS.  Instructing is such a passion for me, and seeing the utter motivation and drive in each of your faces, paired with the guts and glory you shell out to work your hardest each session… let’s just say you’re the light to my fire. 

Being back in active duty to TurboKick instruction is also a huge blessing for me.  I’m back teaching at the OneAmerica Tower Fitness Center (my old stomping grounds up until May 2011), which is now managed by Westview (previously NIFS).  Two of my favorites still rule the fitness center – April and James – and I look forward to seeing them every time I’m there.  Beyond these stellar fitness pros, the members here make me feel ridiculously special.  I don’t think anyone understands quite the love I hold for these people, but being able to come back to teach my favorite group fitness format and be welcomed so excitedly from them… it’s humbling and amazing.  

My most recent update is becoming a Team Beachbody Coach.  I first looked into this when I started P90X in late winter of 2010.  I’ve been back to the “become a coach” part of their website countless times over the last couple years, but it wasn’t until a dear friend of mine, Maria Romaine, approached me about joining her to experience this awesome venture that I took the plunge.  And I couldn’t be more excited (I’m actually sure this excitement is going to continue to grow – there is a lot still for me to learn).  Beachbody is an amazing company.  They are home to SEVERAL awesome fitness programs, including TurboJam (TurboKick - my love - is the group fitness version), TurboFire (sweet!), P90X & P90X2, Insanity, and many, many more.  It is also the infamous home to Shakeology (I’ll come back to this).  I am proud to be a part of Team Beachbody.  The team is dedicated to being POSITIVE, and HELPING EACH OTHER, and SPREADING the great news of health.  Up my alley?  That’s a big HECK YES.  If you don't know much about Beachbody, I have a new snazzy website you can check out (well, a couple actually): 

Back to Shakeology.  As many of you know (and several of you may not), coming from a background in dietetics, I have always been skeptical about supplements.  Being in the fitness/health/nutrition field I am constantly asked my opinion about supplementation – from multivitamins to whey protein.  The reason I’ve never answered very definitively for many of you is because I was educated through my time at UD and Purdue that we can, and should, obtain our nutrients from real foods.  Which we should.  It is possible.  And we could all do it… in a perfect world.  I’ve taken multivitamins.  I’ve taken whey protein supplements.  But when clients, friends, family, etc. ask me for recommendations… I’ve often fumbled through my answers.  Marketing has such a huge impact on the public’s opinion of these products.  And honestly, I’ve never felt comfortable supporting a supplement and recommending it to people I care about and would be affecting. 
 I am a great example of someone who eats very healthy.  I consume a balance of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy products, and some kind of lean protein sources every day.  If I don’t, I feel weird and as if I’ve messed up my life (there’s a little sarcasm there… but it is also somewhat true).  I never said I ate perfectly (just said healthy and balanced) – I love my sweets and tend to make room for them more often than I probably should.  But my point is, I consume a healthy intake of nutrient-packed foods.  And guess what?  I still lack important nutrients at the end of the day.  

Why is this important?  Nutrients are given their name because they are the source our bodies tap into to function at their highest potential.  To make sure your metabolism runs efficiently.  To provide our energy system with the energy needed during a workout.  To keep us from getting sick.  To keep our skin and hair healthy.  To make sure our organs are functioning properly.  The reasons nutrients are important are literally countless.  

So I’m finally ready to stand behind a supplement.  And I’m going to keep you posted on how it makes me feel as I continue to use it.  I can’t help but be super impressed with the ingredients used and nutrients found in it.  To name a few - quinoa (protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals), green tea (antioxidant), lactobacillus species (probiotics), yacon root (anti-hyperglycemic)… and tons more rare and nutrient-packed ingredients.  Pretty cool.

While it’s still SUPER important to eat a well-balanced diet, what’s the harm in adding something insanely nutritious?  Hopefully there will be a lot of good.  I’m definitely optimistic.  Stay tuned :) 

Your fan & supporter,
Keep Smiling!!! :)