Friday, May 18, 2012

Beachbody, TurboKick, Boot Camp...AWESOME Updates!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!  (woohoo!)

I absolutely thrive on being busy.  I know many of you are the same way.  There is something fulfilling, motivating, and totally satisfying when you’re booked from the moment you wake up until you go to bed.  I digress and admit some days I wonder why I create such a busy life for myself, but honestly it’s because I thoroughly enjoy it :) 
With that said, a lot has been going on recently!  My day job has been keeping me increasingly busy.  Boot Camp is in full swing.  Training (myself and others) has been steady and enjoyable.  I began instructing TurboKick again (about time!!!).  I just became an Independent Team Beachbody Coach (I’ll expand on that in a few) and my personal life (family, friends, dogs, housework) demands my attention as well. 

First – my boot campers have been AWESOMELY BADASS through the first half of the May session!  Day 1 blessed us with the hottest day of the year – a great way to kick off being truly hardcore.  Everyone has not only been consistently attending classes (the key to making changes and being successful!), but spreading the word to family and friends, and asking about what the schedule will be as we move into June.  I CANNOT BEGIN TO THANK YOU GUYS.  Instructing is such a passion for me, and seeing the utter motivation and drive in each of your faces, paired with the guts and glory you shell out to work your hardest each session… let’s just say you’re the light to my fire. 

Being back in active duty to TurboKick instruction is also a huge blessing for me.  I’m back teaching at the OneAmerica Tower Fitness Center (my old stomping grounds up until May 2011), which is now managed by Westview (previously NIFS).  Two of my favorites still rule the fitness center – April and James – and I look forward to seeing them every time I’m there.  Beyond these stellar fitness pros, the members here make me feel ridiculously special.  I don’t think anyone understands quite the love I hold for these people, but being able to come back to teach my favorite group fitness format and be welcomed so excitedly from them… it’s humbling and amazing.  

My most recent update is becoming a Team Beachbody Coach.  I first looked into this when I started P90X in late winter of 2010.  I’ve been back to the “become a coach” part of their website countless times over the last couple years, but it wasn’t until a dear friend of mine, Maria Romaine, approached me about joining her to experience this awesome venture that I took the plunge.  And I couldn’t be more excited (I’m actually sure this excitement is going to continue to grow – there is a lot still for me to learn).  Beachbody is an amazing company.  They are home to SEVERAL awesome fitness programs, including TurboJam (TurboKick - my love - is the group fitness version), TurboFire (sweet!), P90X & P90X2, Insanity, and many, many more.  It is also the infamous home to Shakeology (I’ll come back to this).  I am proud to be a part of Team Beachbody.  The team is dedicated to being POSITIVE, and HELPING EACH OTHER, and SPREADING the great news of health.  Up my alley?  That’s a big HECK YES.  If you don't know much about Beachbody, I have a new snazzy website you can check out (well, a couple actually): 

Back to Shakeology.  As many of you know (and several of you may not), coming from a background in dietetics, I have always been skeptical about supplements.  Being in the fitness/health/nutrition field I am constantly asked my opinion about supplementation – from multivitamins to whey protein.  The reason I’ve never answered very definitively for many of you is because I was educated through my time at UD and Purdue that we can, and should, obtain our nutrients from real foods.  Which we should.  It is possible.  And we could all do it… in a perfect world.  I’ve taken multivitamins.  I’ve taken whey protein supplements.  But when clients, friends, family, etc. ask me for recommendations… I’ve often fumbled through my answers.  Marketing has such a huge impact on the public’s opinion of these products.  And honestly, I’ve never felt comfortable supporting a supplement and recommending it to people I care about and would be affecting. 
 I am a great example of someone who eats very healthy.  I consume a balance of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy products, and some kind of lean protein sources every day.  If I don’t, I feel weird and as if I’ve messed up my life (there’s a little sarcasm there… but it is also somewhat true).  I never said I ate perfectly (just said healthy and balanced) – I love my sweets and tend to make room for them more often than I probably should.  But my point is, I consume a healthy intake of nutrient-packed foods.  And guess what?  I still lack important nutrients at the end of the day.  

Why is this important?  Nutrients are given their name because they are the source our bodies tap into to function at their highest potential.  To make sure your metabolism runs efficiently.  To provide our energy system with the energy needed during a workout.  To keep us from getting sick.  To keep our skin and hair healthy.  To make sure our organs are functioning properly.  The reasons nutrients are important are literally countless.  

So I’m finally ready to stand behind a supplement.  And I’m going to keep you posted on how it makes me feel as I continue to use it.  I can’t help but be super impressed with the ingredients used and nutrients found in it.  To name a few - quinoa (protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals), green tea (antioxidant), lactobacillus species (probiotics), yacon root (anti-hyperglycemic)… and tons more rare and nutrient-packed ingredients.  Pretty cool.

While it’s still SUPER important to eat a well-balanced diet, what’s the harm in adding something insanely nutritious?  Hopefully there will be a lot of good.  I’m definitely optimistic.  Stay tuned :) 

Your fan & supporter,
Keep Smiling!!! :)

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