Friday, May 25, 2012

Crucial Changes Noticed...

Some interesting thoughts to report on today...
Read on :)  

I really have been energized this week. Noticeably more so than usual.  I can always bring the energy out that I need when I need it, but I’ve just felt really GOOD.  Consistent energy.  I haven’t had tired bouts in the afternoon, I’ve been sleeping well at night, I haven’t been dragging ass at the gym (except for this morning a little, but I’ll get to that).  

Yesterday (May 24th), I had my chocolate Shakeology for dindin.  I did a light workout in the AM – 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by about 25 minutes of strength training – and I went to Eagle Creek Park and did some fabulous trail running in the evening with a couple of my faves, Brian & Adam.  I ended up mixing the chocolate shakeology with milk and frozen raspberries and having a big salad (same ingredients as on Tuesday night – using up my fresh veggies!) post-running.  Man was it D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!  

Before I talk about today… I want to mention something crucial that I have noticed since I started shakeology – a serious reduction in my cravings to eat sweets.  This is really important, because those of you who know me… know I have an insane sweets addiction!  That is my downfall – not fast food, not potato chips… but sweets.  It doesn’t matter what – gummy candy of any kind, raisinettes, ice cream (light versions only), M&Ms, homemade rice krispy treats, etc.  And I’m not one to limit my portions in this area.  I can’t have just ONE piece and be fine.  I’ll buy it, and it’ll be gone within days (if not hours!).  I have gone through bouts in the past where I make a point to STOP these cravings… I know that if I stop for days, the cravings are supposed to go away.  Well, that hasn’t happened for this girl.  I’ll still crave them.  

So… this brings me to shakeology and this unexpected change I’ve had.  This week I honestly haven’t given an ounce of thought to sweets.  I haven’t craved them at all.  And, even though this is TMI, this is the “time of the month” for me… which makes this fact even MORE important.  I don’t know if it’s because shakeology tastes AMAZING and “satisifies” my cravings without even knowing it, or if my body is getting all of the nutrition it needs, which leads to reduction in cravings.  I believe it’s both – but especially the latter.  This is 100% fact that if you’re missing certain nutrients in your diet, you crave certain foods.  For me, my cravings for sweets are most likely VERY linked to my deficiency in nutrients such as phosphorous and chromium.  And whadayaknow?  But shakeology has 25% and 50% of the recommended %DV in each serving for these nutrients, respectively.  That’s enough to make a huge difference.  Chromium is naturally found in foods such as chicken, grapes, dried beans and broccoli.  The only one I get more than once a week out of all of those?  Broccoli.  If someone’s cooking my chicken for me, I’ll eat it… but I hate touching raw meat.  Phosphorous is naturally found in chicken, beef, liver, fish, dairy, nuts, legumes and eggs.  I absolutely get eggs every day.  Nuts most of the time (whether it be almonds or peanut butter).  Dairy I’m also pretty good with.  BUT, then you have to think about the availability and ABSORBENCY that these foods are to your body.  So many of these nutrients are lost with age, cooking, and digestion.  So, adding a supplement that is giving you these nutrients from REAL sources, and not chemically-altered sources, could make all the difference.  Just thinkin… 

On to today (Friday), shakeology is on the agenda for consumption this afternoon.  It’s greenberry day (I decided to rotate them since I can’t pick a favorite)!  I don’t need to wait until after I drink it to tell you how awesomely tasty it is… I think I’ve already done enough of thatJ  But I did want to touch on my tired workout this morning.  I jumped on the stepmill around 7:00a this morning, and my legs INSTANTLY felt shot.  I stuck it out for 30 minutes, sweating my patootie off, and thinking about why.  I have two answers – my lack of carbohydrates for dinner last night (usually I include some sort of grain if I know I have a morning workout… ESPECIALLY since I ran last night), and the fact that I lifted legs (and ran hills) yesterday – both contributes to why my legs just wanted to rest.  So, my energy was there, but my leggys were tired.  

If I don’t post again until after the weekend, remember I am STICKING to my shakeology even over the holiday weekend.  I’ll continue to be honest and give you a real reflection on how I’m feeling.  

So I'll leave you with this thought... because we all want a better tomorrow... right?  

Thank you for reading :)  You guys totally ROCK!!!

Your fan (always),

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