Friday, June 8, 2012

Due For An Update!

This week has been a long one, so I apologize for the delay in my updates!  I am now on day 18 of my Shakeology Challenge and I’m still feelin’ stellar!  

My schedule was totally out of whack over the weekend – being out of town will do that to me.  While I still exercised and drank my Shakeology (it’s so portable!!!), my eating and ‘regularity’ were absolutely different.  And I’ll note that this does not mean my nutrition was bad, people!  

After a good run :)
The first thing that goes “out of whack” for me when I travel is my GI tract and, therefore, regularity.  Without going into [any] detail, it took me until the day after I got home to be back on track again.  Talk about frustrating.  Even Shakeology can’t cure your body from knowing it’s away from home (and your own toilet)!   

The second thing that I didn’t have much control over (without stocking a new kitchen while on vacation) was my change in food intake.  Overall, I ate very balanced and healthy meals (was staying with a fantastic – healthy! – cook) and focused on making sure I was drinking my H2O.  But the food choices were still different than my normal routine, and DID include eating out for a couple meals (which is always less healthy than preparing your meals at home – at least in my home!) and having a couple special beverages :)   

With all of that said… I also returned home and was sick the next day (boooo)!  Coughing, sore throat, achy body.  I took a rest day the next day (rule of thumb: no working out when it hurts below the neck).  I thought I was turning the corner after my day off, so I did a GREAT speed workout on Wednesday with some lifting afterwards.  I felt fine… until the next morning!  OOPS, apparently it was too soon to try a tough, high intensity workout like that.  Now, in addition to feeling terrible, I also had NO VOICE.  I sounded like a sick martian.  Joy!   

So that brings us to today.  I still don’t have much of a voice, but my body feels okay so I am heading to the gym for a light workout before my Friday evening with friends.  I’ve gotta kick this before my best friend’s bachelorette party tomorrow evening…!  

My knew shirt - YEAH!!!
So I’ve kept you in suspense this long… what about results, you say??  I weighed in this morning at 123.5 (up 2.7 pounds from my previous weigh-in where I was down 3.2).  So yes, I am 0.5 pounds away from my starting weight (but still less!). 

It’s not exactly exciting to me either. 

BUT!  Let me remind you of a couple things... 
  1. I wasn’t expecting to lose weight, and did.  
  2. I was on vacation, consuming different foods, drinks, being on a different routine, and exercising in a different way (even though I got them in!).  
  3. I have been sick the last 3 days (and unable to exercise on 2 of them). 
So honestly, I am excited to report back when I am back on my REGULAR SCHEDULE.  I am STILL feeling energized (even when I was sick I haven’t felt tired! Just achy).  I am still enjoying Shakeology to its entirety!  I have still had far fewer cravings for sweets!  I’m still very happy with Shakeology.  And even happier to see what the next couple days will bring… as my health and schedule return to normal!  

I hope you check back :)  What a fun little journey this is turning out to be…  

Have a great end to your Friday – and an awesome kickoff to your weekend!!! 

Always your fan,


  1. Feel better, Mags! I look forward to reading more about the journey :-)

    1. Thank you, Christine! I'm trying - heading to the Take Care Clinic today (can't kick this!!). Muah!
